• Do you want to learn Dutch?

    Or improve your Dutch?
    I can help you!

Welcome to the website of my school ‘Dit is Nederland(s)!’, where I teach NT2. For everyone who:

  • Wants/has to do the ‘inburgeringsexamen’
  • Wants to do the ‘staatsexamen’
  • Is going to a Dutch school (also primary and secondary school)
  • Wants to be able to communicate with the Dutch, for example at work

In short, you will find at ‘Dit is Nederland(s)!’:

  • Good lessons
  • Small groups
  • All levels
  • Low prices
  • Few obligations
  • A lot of flexibility

You will find more information below; take a look around and feel free to contact me if you have any more questions or to make an appointment for a (free) introductory meeting.


  • 90 minutes lessons
  • Once or twice a week
  • 1-6 persons
  • Levels 0-A1, A2, B1, B2
  • Thematic and recurring
  • With or without exams
  • ONA and KNM possible

What are we doing?

  • Speaking, listening, reading, writing
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary and pronunciation
  • Dutch culture

Practical information:

  • All lessons on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
  • No lessons during (school) holidays
  • No need to buy books
  • Homework possible
  • Regular extra activities for everyone, like visiting the library, celebrating ‘Sinterklaas’ or a walk in the forest
  • ‘Dit is Nederland(s)!’ does not belong to ‘Blik op Werk’


Language is fun and interesting! It’s also the way to participate in society. I like to help people to learn/improve their Dutch, so they can find their way in the Netherlands. My school has low prices and a lot of flexibility, because I believe it’s very important that everyone can learn the language and join in.
Read more

After I finished secundary school I studied archeology in Leiden. During these years I volunteered to work with children at the refugee centre, and to help children with their schoolwork. After my graduation I followed another study in Breda, to become a primary school teacher. I wanted to teach refugee children, and so I did, at different schools and with a lot of pleasure. I was also a teacher at regular primary schools and I worked as a remedial teacher as well.

Furthermore I was a ‘language buddy’ for several adults who moved to the Netherlands and wanted to learn Dutch (as a volunteer). After a while I had a group of women I taught weekly. I did an additional study in NT2 at Nijmegen University. During and after this study I worked at the ISK in Waalwijk (a special school to teach 12-18 year olds Dutch before they transfer to regular schools), and at different language schools for adults (Breda, Tilburg).

Students regularly asked me if they could follow private lessons. And I enjoy making my own lessons and helping people to improve their Dutch. This is how I got the idea of starting my own language school. I named it ‘Dit is Nederland(s)!’ because I want to teach people more not only about the language but also about the country.

Education courses:

  • PABO
  • NT2 opleiding (Blik op Werk erkend)

Work experience in education:

  • Teacher primary school (at refugee centers and regular)
  • Remedial Teacher primary school
  • Teacher ISK (a special secundary school to learn Dutch)
  • Teacher NT2 language school (adults)
  • Voluntary teacher homework project and refugee center (children)
  • Voluntary teacher ‘language buddy’ project (adults)


A private lesson (90 minutes):
€ 18,00
3 units
A lesson (90 minutes) for 2 or more persons:
€ 12,00 p.p.
2 units
You buy a card in advance:
10 units
€ 60,-
20 units
€ 115,-
(the 20 units card gives you a € 5,- discount)


  • Pay in advance
  • Invoice by mail
  • You only pay when you are there
  • If you don’t cancel in time, you pay 1 unit
  • Cancel up to 24 hours before class, or 1 hour in case of illness

For new students:

  • An introductory meeting is free
  • (individual) trial lesson: € 20 for 1 person, € 15 per person for 2 or more people
  • You can also immediately buy a card, which is cheaper


Do you want to know more or make an appointment?
Send me a message and I’ll contact you:

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‘Dit is Nederland(s)!’ is situated in Breda Southwest. It’s easy to park there (free). You can also take the bus: bus stop Woonboulevard (Ikea).
My ‘Kamer van Koophandel’ registration number is 73235997.

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